I mean, the Bible answers "what." Nature and the world answer "where." The Holy Spirit generally answers "who" and "when." But rarely do we get a "why" answer.
Why does God choose *not* to act?
Why do I keep making stupid decisions (Rom 7)?
Why won't she choose Jesus?
Why do I go to dance auditions only to have them cut the good people?
Why can't life ever be simple?
Why *don't* I have a girlfriend?
Why does my Christian sister keep getting bad news, blow after blow after blow?
And it seems to me that the way we handle these non-answers really shapes our personal faith. So, I get it. That's the reason why we don't get our why's answered.
So before I blog myself into confusion, let me just give the highs and lows of what's been up with me, so you know where all these questions are coming from. I started work at a restaurant adjacent to campus (high--I really need the money and benefits). But it kinda sorta conflicted with the extra work I was doing and I got fired from Central Casting (low--even though extra work didn't mean that much to me). I performed in my hip hop team's dance showcase (high--it was awesome), except I have no idea whether or not my agent came like he said he would (low--he was nowhere to be found after the show). I submitted my online audition for Glee (high--please watch it and give me a gold star!), but I'm pretty positive the casting will not be done off online videos (low--I need a real live audition from my less-than-communicative agent). Yesterday, I had my first day as a parade performer at Disneyland (high--even though it was modified for the rain). It's also the toughest mission field I can think of and two of my role models are moving out of state (low--what am I gonna do?!) I also told camp that I'd be back for two weeks in August and I'm super-stoked (high--I miss my campers and know that God wants me back there).
So, needless to say, lots of questions.
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